Issues / Discussion Items

Student Performance

The Wright City R-II School District ranks 242 out of 553 school districts in the State of Missouri. Furthermore, Wright City R-II School District ranks third out of eleven school districts in the EMO conference.

There is always room for improvement. The Wright City R-II School District is currently updating its comprehensive school improvement plan (CSIP) to address gaps.

Student attendance continues to be a challenge. One of the initiatives implemented over the last year is #EveryStudentEveryDay. The goal of this initiative is to provide each student a sense of belonging and to help the students to want to come to school every day.


The Wright City R-II School District curriculum is aligned with the Missouri Learning Standards, which were mandated by HB1490.  These are the standards in which MAP and End of Course exams are based upon.  It would be irresponsible for Wright City R-II School District to deviate from these standards as it would ultimately jeopardize the district’s accreditation.

Here is a link to the active curriculum taught in our schools. Wright City R-II Curriculum

New High School and Roelker Road

The new high school accepted students in January, 2025! Both Props 2025 and 1967 were to build a new high school with athletic fields. Based upon the bids accepted – the building was completed within budget. There was enough contingency funds available to purchase the furniture in the new high school.

The challenger in this race continues to say the new high school is $15 million over budget. This is not true. After everything was discussed in open session and cost estimates were obtained, the district put two propositions on the ballot to pay for what was built. The money approved went to build the building and, as I said previously, contingency money was available to purchase new furniture.

The Wright City R-II School District committed to completing two slip lanes (one on the east side and one on the west side of Roelker Road by Fast Lane) as well as a cross walk with flashing beacons. Unfortunately, due to disagreements with the City of Wright City, this work has not yet been completed.

Due to on-going legal issues, I invite you to read the school district’s press release:

Personally, I am committed to completing what Wright City R-II School District promised. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have and I’ll try to answer them.